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Hey Mary,

Thanks for the shout out and we let me assure you that we do feel your pain and the pain of all people writing technical communication in Confluence.

When K15t was founded in 2009, our claim was "Tools for wiki-based documentation", and that's what we still do: We are here to make sure that Confluence is the best platform it can be to manage and publish technical communication.

The pricing topic you bring up is a difficult one: In order to build a sustainable business, we do need to charge for our Apps – to develop, to maintain, to support them. Yet we understand the budget constraints of many tech writers.

Unfortunately, the solution you've mentioned with a shared Data Center instance is not possible due to Atlassian's licensing restrictions.

But: Have you considered creating your own Confluence instances? That is particular simple with Confluence Cloud. That said: Some of the functionality is already supported by our next-gen content management app Scroll Documents. Also, Scroll Viewport allows to convert a Confluence space into a help site in minutes (more info: https://www.k15t.com/software/scroll-viewport)

Hope this helps,
-Stefan (Co-Founder and CEO of K15t)

PS: In some cases we can provide discounts for our Apps. Reach out to our support, they will check what is possible.


The link should be:

Mary Connor

Thank you, Stefan! I have considered my own instance, but I see problems with how collaboration would work. As for Viewport, my blocker is that we publish into Jira Service Desk and need to SSO our customers coming in through that portal. Keep me in mind if you need beta testers for anything touching JSD. :-)

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